Skyblivion Update

The Elder Scrolls: Skyblivion

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Skyblivion is a volunteer-based project by the TESRenewal modding group. We aim to bring The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to a new generation of gamers and re-introduce it to long time fans of the series. We are currently in the process of remaking Cyrodiil along with all of its quests, locations and characters into Skyrim: Special Edition.

Skyblivion is a volunteer-based project by the TESRenewal modding group. We aim to bring The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to a new generation of gamers and re-introduce it to long time fans of the series. We are currently in the process of remaking Cyrodiil along with all of its quests, locations and characters into Skyrim: Special Edition.

Picture of K Rebel

K Rebel

Skyblivion Roadmap 2023

Oblivion Remade in the Skyrim engine

Remaking Oblivion in the Skyrim engine is what we set out to do when we started the Skyblivion project. Today we would like to share an exact update on the progress of Skyblivion and what we have left for a 2025 release at the latest. We hope with your support to finish the final steps in completing our dream, maybe even beating our own estimation.

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81 Responses

  1. I’m literally dying to play this! It looks incredible!! Thank you for ALL of your hard work, the community deeply appreciates all the hours that’s been put in. =)

    1. You are hilarious. If you actually keep up with the project it is VERY close to completion. I have full belief they will hit the 2025 release.

        1. Can you not even read? It very clearly shows the latest update as 2025 and the last video update a month ago you must be blind

  2. what’s projected release date? honestly, i forgot about this mod. it’s been a long time since i heard anything about it.

  3. This is incredible. How you guys were able to achieve so much and for a release after only 15 years is just astounding. I mean 15 years. That’s from birth to driving in some states. That’s birth to loss of virginity for some of us (maybe very few). Think of all those stages of life that happens in 15 years and you are able to make something, not from scratch but with a working model – a tracing if you will- and you are doing it. If there’s a success story to tell, it’s that you guys will have made something that already exists and originally took 5 years to write and build from scratch. I am in awe.

    1. I have not been part of this project in any way, but felt the need to step in for this. You are talking about the original being from a major studio with a team of 70 full time employees probably working lots of overtime and with millions of dollars to assist them compared to a bunch of part time volunteers working for free. Show some respect. What have you done to contribute anything anyone cares about on this planet? If I had to guess, absolutely nothing meaningful because you lack the mental capacity. I personally am very excited for this, and grateful to the people that have contributed. I wish I could have contributed to it myself. It is incredible that they have had the will to stick with this project and see it through to its end, and Oblivion is a game worth remaking.

      1. I agree, it’s outstanding, this is my all time favorite game and to see these guys working endlessly to make this in the skyrim engine for free and not get paid a dime with little budget to work with. Keep it up I honestly can’t wait for this to be finished!

        1. Necromancer, he is not teasing, he is being condescending and rude towards the devs who have donated a lot of their free time to this. I’m free to voice my opposing opinion in support of the devs. You are literally being a “white knight” for the rude OP by your logic, so Idk why you even responded. You probably are the OP. Have a nice day.

          P.s. Thank you to all the wonderful devs!! 😃

        2. Did you really just say that acting like a white knight isn’t a good look? LMAO maybe to a bully it’s not a good look.

    2. I truly never thought I’d see a mod project bigger or even equal to Tale of Two Wastelands- but this takes the cake.

  4. I would shake all of your hands. You guys are amazing, wish I knew how to do stuff like that so I could help. You’ve done amazing so far keep it up.

  5. I am 16 in March. I played there when I was 9 years old. Up to 12-13 years old. Thank you, dear fellow enthusiasts. You do so many things out of passion. This is admirable. Thank you very much. The game is beautiful, unique despite its age, and that enthusiasts have been working on it for so long, and on a voluntary basis, it’s great.

    Will there be a French version of this mode, being French it would please the French-speaking community.

    I love you thank you!!

    Thank’s to Google translater 😉

    1. Il devrait pas y avoir de problèmes avec la traduction française y’a déjà des commu assez grandes qui s’occupent de ça depuis des années et surtout vu qu’on a les fichiers originaux de la VF ça devrait pas prendre trop longtemps mais je doute que ce soit dispo day one.

  6. So I’ve been playing Skyrim since 11/11/11 and was wondering if if Skyrim AE on Steam would be compatible with Oblivion from Epic games store, or does it have to be a copy from Steam also for Skyblivion?

    1. Not part of the dev team, but I imagine as long as you have the legit game files installed on your computer (ie: not a pirated copy), then you should be fine, although I’m not sure why you’d want a copy from the EGS in the first place, unless it was free lol. Also, if it’s anything like Fallout – Tale of Two Wastelands, you will need all DLC for both games. Not sure if the epic edition has all released DLC (all of the player homes, spell tomes, horse armor, etc.)

  7. Cannot wait to play this! I sunk countless hours into the original oblivion as a kid and I am so much more excited for this than any AAA game, including TES 6. Question, will you be doing 1 to 1 remake of the Mages guild questline? We all know there were a few issues with it and I was wondering if you would be improving it as you go. Will you be making any changes at all to any of the quests or layout of the towns while you work on them? I know you have made big improvements to the caves and fortresses so I was hoping you would expand and improve on the cities and some quests that were lacking a bit in the original release. Regardless, thank you all so much for you passion and hard work, I am beyond excited to finally play this!

  8. I’m watching biggie_boss play 24 hours of various versions ultra modded Skyrim mod packs and some folks were chatting about the future and watching him playing Skyblivion. We are cheering you folks on so hard for your awesome endeavor! I can’t wait to try Skyblivion when it is ready. =D

  9. Can’t wait to play this, thank you to all the devs for your hard work! Looks amazing so far, the amount of love put into this project is obvious. I got into TES about a month before Skyrim released, so I never ended up completing Oblivion. It always felt super outdated in comparison.

    I might finally be able to finish a playthrough of Oblivion with this 🙂 Keep up the great work!

  10. Oblivion is by far my favorite game, the constant glitches, crash, corrupted files and whatever made me go crazy once I became older.

    I’ve started modding Skyrim S.E and it’s so nice and easy, it felt like I’ve discovered heaven.

    This “Mod” is my awaited game, I want it.

    Starfield is complete garbage, and seeing how trash it was, I’m worried about TES6: Valenwood to be similar in term of dead NPC, empty places, constant loading screens and uninteresting Quests coupled with literally bland endings and no mystery whatsoever.

    Skyblivion is the star that lead me everyday now, everytime I dream, I see this Game that will not be Overwatch Second Scam of the Year Deluxe Edition Season Pass, or have the cost of a rushed trash named Diablo 4.

    Wokism has deteriorated our Society, and destroyed mostly everything they’ve put their hands on, but they didn’t put their hands on Mods for the moment, because unlike the rest of the World, Mods cannot be bought with money.

    1. “Wokism”? You silly little boy 🤣. And what do you mean by “mods cannot be bought with money”? Ohh, do you deal with “alt-facts”?

    2. “Being woke is when a bad company makes bad games.” Should have set your username as Cicero you absolute clown. If anyone is “deteriorating our society” it’s snowflakes like you who throw a temper tantrum any time they see a queer/nonwhite person.

      Also hate to break it to you, but I promise you are running plenty of mods made by trans/gay/black/misc “woke” people, you just don’t realize it. Better purge your drives of that woke filth!

    3. I’m curious why you said TES6: Valenwood. All the (albeit limited) evidence I’ve seen suggests High Rock and/or Hammerfell. I can link if it matters. I’ve heard some Summerset theories but I’m not familiar whatsoever with any Valenwood theories. Let me know!

    4. First of all, mods are totally paid for, there’s even the creation club right in front of you.
      Second of all, “wOkISm hAs DeTeRiorAteD oUr SociEtY” is by far the stupidest thing I have ever heard, if you’re going to say something, at least know what it means. And like the woke mob said, chances are you’re running plenty of mods made by LGBTQ+ people but you don’t even know it; and the only thing “deteriorating our society” are people like you who throw a temper tantrum any time somebody isn’t a white straight.

    1. Sorry kid but I’d rather play this than Oblivion remastered by Bethesda! This is probably going to be 10 times better I don’t trust what Bethesda does almost half the time. I’m playing Starfield right now and it’s the first game within almost a decade and a half that they’ve come out where there are no insane bugs or major glitches but I can guarantee the modders will make it better. And here’s the Kick In The Head that’ll blow your mind away almost every game that is Bethesda has made every mod that’s almost come out for the game Bethesda has taken and put into the new game. For example, mods came out for Fallout 3 I can bet that Bethesda stole them and put them in Fallout 4 cuz I know for a fact there were mods in Fallout 3 and follow New Vegas that Bethesda stole and shoved into Fallout 4 without giving any recognition to the authors. This is why I’d rather pirate Bethesda games than buy them. I would support the martyrs and give them money rather than give Bethesda the satisfaction of stealing people’s ideas for free.

        1. The settlement system in FO4 is pretty much completely ripped from a similar mod for FO3 or NV, I can’t remember which off the top of my head.

          1. It’s basically the Frostfall mod that was introduced in Skyrim. It used the same placement python code that frostfall uses to place tents, camping equipment, etc.

    1. They’re finding themselves again, just look at starfield. sure its “just” another Bethesda game. but look at the amazing galaxy they have given us to explore. sure fallout 4 wasn’t the best and fallout 76 should never be talked about but I think starfield really is a good step into the right direction.

      1. Starfield is a game riddled with bugs, empty planets and lack of weapon types when that’s supposed to be the whole point xD it also does 0 new for Sci fi, just copy paste of everything that came before, just in Bathesda style. How is it good

        1. The lack of decent suits and overall emptiness I felt before the end of a single playthrough makes what you say painfully true. Haven’t reloaded since I got a game breaking glitch that would require loading a save for who knows how far back. I replayed mass effect after I got bored of starfield and found it to be an exponentially more entertaining scifi rpg, despite how old it is. Followed by you guessed it, a skyrim mod session and play through.

      2. a galaxy would be a connected virtual space, not fast travel from point a to b.

        even no mans sky and elite dangerous have a better concept of an open virtual galaxy for players to actually physically traverse and explore, freely, without the use of fast travel or menus for that matter.

  11. Hello There…

    I think this will be Great when Released 🙂
    Full Oblivion Remake with Every Detail (the DLC’s too?) its a lot of Work.
    I Hope that Some day your work pays off once it’s finished.

      1. Oof, snarky people like you are the reason I avoid gamer communities. This person had an innocent question and you went out of your way to condescend to them and even use your name to call them an idiot. I wish people like you would learn to keep to yourselves.

        Can’t wait for more updates and images. I’m dying to play this, keep up the amazing work and thank you to everyone involved!

    1. The mod isn’t going to be on xbox for obvious reasons. Not sure what you downloaded on xbox but it definitely isn’t this mod.

  12. Exciting stuff. Lots of us out here rooting for you all – I have never been able to play the older Elder Scrolls games because of motion sickness from the frame rate, so this will be life-changing for me. Thank you to everyone who is putting time into this project!

    1. frame rate on older games? My crt had 121hz refresh rate, what are you people even talk about?). NO ofence but when I see those “motion sickness in old dayz”, I always remember quake 3 arena and 200-300 fps in 1998 on low specs.

  13. Patiently waiting impatiently for your final product. Thanks for the roadmap and the thousands of hours of hard work.
    Long live the emperor!

  14. If you need any game testers hit me up, I also have experience in translating mods and smaller games into Czech language. My Dis: pizza987czready

  15. please tell me the glitches from oblivion will carry over, I’d love to stress test this by duping thousands of potions

      1. 1. it was obviously a joke
        2. Every Bethesda game since Morrowind has been built on the same engine
        3. Shut up you actual retard

  16. For those who really love to experience games as immersive as possible, will Skyblivion be playable in VR just like Skyrim VR. Will there be any support to bring it over either at launch or afterwards. If there is a project started can you point me in the right direction.
    Many thanks for the Skyblivion team and their hard work.

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